Industrial & Mining Lighting Design
LightPlan's expertise in the area of Lighting Measurement is extensive, and covers specific needs such as Lighting Audits, Design Guides, Expert Opinion, and Specialist Testing.
Description & Project References by Genre:
Lighting Audits
Design Guides
Expert Opinion
Specialist Testing
Lighting Audits
Are you required to regularly audit and keep a performance record of your workplace lighting? Are your lighting levels verified as complying with the appropriate Standards and Codes of Practice? And do you have the qualified personnel to verify and sign-off the audit?
We can provide your organisation with a site audit service and condition report in response to:-
- regular and ongoing OH&S compliance requirements
- a specific incident
- complaints relating to visual performance
- obtrusive light issues
- lighting maintenance/owning cost issues
- lamp disposal and environmental matters
- site-specific lighting conditions
Lighting Audits - Selected References
Bing Siding ¨C one design challenge is to ensure each hand-operated brake control (often located between ore cars) is clearly visible at night | Pat O'Hara Reserve, Morley, Perth, Australia 2008 The City of Bayswater required an independent 3rd-party lighting audit of their newly commissioned Large Ball Sports Floodlighting project. The City's consulting engineers BEST Consultants engaged LightPlan to measure light levels and provide a Compliance Report in accordance with Australian Standards. Rail Facilities at Boodarie Yard, Bing Siding & Avoidance Road, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Pt Hedland, Australia 2007-2011 As an initial step towards improving night-time visual conditions for site personnel, LightPlan was engaged to carry out lighting audits of Boodarie Rail Yard & Bing Siding. Results of the 3 audits led to remedial work being designed and documented as capital works projects. These design projects are described elswhere. Public Lighting & Security Audit, Shire of Dardanup, Australia 2006-2007 Aligning with the State Crime Prevention Strategy goal to œreduce environmental conditions that facilitate crime, the Shire engaged LightPlan to conduct an audit and report of lighting conditions at selected public open spaces, dual-use paths, and car parks associated with Council-owned buildings in the towns of Eaton, Dardanup and Burekup. The report put forward recommendations on lighting techniques and strategies with a view to reducing anti-social behaviour, including vandalism, occurring in public places at night. In response, the Shire selected a number of priority locations and asked LightPlan to document new public lighting to a 50% design stage and put forward capital works estimates for forward planning. |
Poor coordination of lights & tree locations causes darkness on path | No lighting increases perception of vulnerability & danger | Outdated inefficient streetlights still in use by electric power utility | Adopting CPTED principles will reduce vandalism |
Workshops & Immediate Surrounds, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Nelson Point, Australia 2008-2009
A comprehensive appraisal and report of site lighting and ergonomic related conditions within 3 separate loco and vehicle workshops and their associated exterior working areas. Results of the audits led to remedial work being designed and documented as capital works projects. These design projects are described elsewhere.
One Steel Administration Office & Warehouse, Spearwood, Australia 2006
In response to One Steel Piping Systems' OSH monitoring, LightPlan carried out a regular measurement, analysis, and condition report of interior office and interior warehouse lighting. Performance of existing lighting was benchmarked against AS/NZ Standards. Remedial advice was documented, where required.
identified visual task: shrink-wrap operation | identified visual task: orientation |
BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Ore Car Repair Shop, Nelson Point & Boodarie Rail Depot, Western Australia - 2005
A comprehensive site audit and condition report of all exterior fixed plant, yard and railroad lighting associated with two large-scale workshop facilities. The condition reports included an analysis of the measured light levels at night, a comparison with recommended standards and international practice, and recommended remedial steps as required. Results of the audits led to remedial work being designed and documented as capital works projects. These design projects are described elsewhere.
Surrounds of Ore Car Repair Shop + Boodarie Rail Depot |
Department of Housing & Works, Western Australia 2006-2007
Annual contract for provision of lighting consultancy for building-related maintenance services to DHW, its contracted service arrangers and government agencies.
SKG Radiology, West Perth, Australia - 2005
An audit of lighting conditions at a specific area within the office facility. LightPlan's report included analysis of the lighting condition and offered general guidance on a procedure to implement a solution with a view to improving productivity.
Argyle Diamonds Head Office & Laboritory, Perth, Australia - 1994/95
Annual measurement, assessment and condition reporting of interior lighting at a three-level city office building and a suburban laboratory facility.
Hamersley Iron, Paraburdoo, Australia - 1994
Comprehensive appraisal and report of site lighting and ergonomic-related conditions within 23 buildings and associated exterior working areas at an open-cut iron ore mine in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia.
Design Guides
Due to LightPlan's light-technical knowledge and design expertise, we are well placed to offer basic lighting design guides, through to client-specific technical design briefs, project strategies, and special reports.
Design Guides - Selected References
Ngilgi Cave, Yallingup, Australia - 1994
Engaged to create a lighting design brief, set a critical path, prepare cost estimates, and enable the client to progress with funding applications with a view to creatively interpreting the limestone cave.
Western Power Corporation, Lighting in Switchyards, Perth, Australia - 1994
Design and technical specification for a standard exterior lighting scheme in high-voltage switchyards to be adopted throughout the State of Western Australia.
Touring Exhibitions Training Program, Art On The Move, Perth, Australia - 2007 to 2010
After writing four new lighting training modules in 2001, James Wallace of LightPlan was asked to review and revise the syllabus. James facilitated a series of workshops with the purpose of skilling individuals to work as a team to professionally plan, access and present temporary touring exhibitions.
Lighting Handbook - Art on the Move (ISBN 0 646 21796 8) - 1994
Co-author of œExhibition Installation and Lighting Design a practical guide for vounteer and paid staff working in temporary exhibition spaces.
Expert Opinion
Clients who wish to engage LightPlan to provide expert opinion should feel free to contact us directly.
Clients who wish to have LightPlan's Director James Wallace appear as an expert witness on their behalf should contact us through their legal council.
Expert Opinion - Selected References
Mt Whaleback Operations, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Newman, Australia - 2008
LightPlan worked with the client's Engineering Services team to prepare an Information Package for Lighting to Fixed Plant. This was presented to stakeholder groups and the project progressed into Definition Stage which is referenced above.
In many typical processing plants conditions for seeing are poor along confined wakways and visual task locations due to poorly selected and under-planned lighting systems |
East Perth Redevelopment Authority (now MRA), Perth, Australia - 2007
Design check and review of developers exterior lighting proposals for a new multi-storey residential development in East Perth.
Car Park Lighting Audit and Remedial Layout for Northwood Alehouse, Mirrabooka, Australia - 2007
In response to the owners development proposal, Council put forward minimum lighting performance criteria for two existing exterior car parks. On behalf of the owner LightPlan first prepared an inventory of equipment before conducting a night-time audit and verification of existing lighting conditions throughout the car parks. As a result, we then prepared a complying layout plan which focused on the use of existing infrastructure, so as to keep capital costs to an affordable level.
Duncraig Residence Exterior Garden Lighting - 2007
The home owners had recently made alterations to their outdoor patio area and planned to extend their ideas into the adjacent garden area. After consulting a number of lighting retail outlets with disappointing results, LightPlan was asked to provide independent professional guidance. Discussions focused on establishing a visual hierarchy of brightness throughout the garden; judicial use of light and shade; cost-effective ideas for low voltage wiring arrangements, choices of patio lighting arrangements; and most importantly, an impression of the resultant lighting effects.
Risk Assessment & Lighting Condition Report for Iron Mountain, Welshpool, Australia - 2006
Research and report on the degree of risk associated with the probability of our client's existing industrial lighting system causing the combustion of stored paper and cardboard materials. We reviewed similar previous incidents, present lamp/luminaire technology, and offered recommended remedial steps towards risk reduction.
Exhibition Spaces, Old Fremantle Prison, Department of Housing Works, Western Australia 2006
Expert opinion on two existing gallery spaces with a view to their suitability for displaying high conservation value exhibits. After a site inspection with the Curator, we submitted a lighting condition report commenting on the suitability of existing electric lighting systems; existing lighting levels; and levels of daylight entering the gallery spaces.
Industrial Relations Commission Offices, Perth, Australia 2006
Third-party review of client's scope and equipment proposal to upgrade four floors of commercial office lighting.
Subiaco Redevelopment Authority (now MRA), Perth, Australia 2006
Review of applicant's exterior lighting proposal for a new commercial office development.
State Govt Insurance Commission, Perth, Australia
Road lighting measurement and report of visual conditions pertaining to an alleged personal injury from a vehicle accident.
Crown Solicitor's Office, Perth, Australia
Public liability claim due to alleged personal injury in a car park.
Shell Company - Service Station, Perth, Australia
Obtrusive light study & expert witness in planning appeal.
Richardson Residence, Dalkeith, Western Australia
Expert witness at State Planning Tribunal in relation to obtrusive-light issues
Specialist Testing
Occasionally, we are asked by clients to provide or verify light tests requiring specialist test equipment. This service may be provided on a case-by-case-basis.
Industrial & Mining - Selected References
Under-floor Lathe Workshop, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Nelson Point, Western Australia ¨C 2007 Operating personnel carry out critical visual tasks within this interior workplace often while standing in a below-ground pit area looking upwards into the underside of ore cars (rail trucks designed to carry iron ore). LightPlan first created a 3D model of this two-level workshop in order to fully appreciate the spatial relationships, and to verify light-technical values. In other words, to ensure the light was falling in the correct places. We then prepared a layout and purchasing specification for the complete replacement of existing luminaires with a view to meeting contemporary light-technical requirements, including a new single-point emergency evacuation lighting system. Loco Service Shop (LSS), BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Nelson Point, Western Australia ¨C 2007 Lighting layout and purchasing specification for the complete replacement of existing highbay luminaires with a view to meeting contemporary light-technical requirements, including a new single-point emergency evacuation lighting system. Emergency Evacuation Lighting at Ore Car Dumpers 2 & 3, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Nelson Point, Western Australia ¨C 2006/2007 LightPlan has implemented photo-realistic 3D modelling to optimise proposed lighting designs in two mineral processing facilities. Subsequent to an invited site inspection of two Ore Car Dumpers, BHPBIO engaged LightPlan to review existing emergency evacuation lighting; select and specify modifications to existing single-point luminaires so as to operate on a central battery system; select and specify new illuminated emergency exit signs; design in new emergency luminaires to match existing with a view to bringing the system in each facility in line with industry best practise. | 3D photo-realistic lighted model of the two-level workshop incorporating new luminaires 3D model of Ore Car Dumper facility with emergency Layout drawing of typical interior floor of a Car Dumperindicating predicted lux levels along nominated emergency routes, locations of emergency luminaires and illuminated exit signs. |
New Security Lighting Arrangement, Maylands Police Complex, Australia ¨C 2006 In response to a brief finalisation report for the Department of Housing & Works, LightPlan was engaged to design & document new security lighting for a Vehicle Holding Yard. The value-for-money design approach will deliver an appropriate and complying security lighting system, while utilising existing electrical services where practicable. In line with the DH&W policy ¡°Designing to Minimise Energy and Operating Costs¡±, the layout sets out an appropriate minimum number of luminaires to meet the light-technical requirements for security purposes. Luminaires incorporate the most appropriate energy efficient, long-life light sources. Automatic operation of the lighting system will ensure further economical running costs. Ore Car Repair Shop, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Nelson Point, Western Australia 2005 LightPlan was engaged by BHP Billiton to design a new general and emergency evacuation lighting system as part of planned refurbishments of electrical services to this large existing workshop. The client's lighting brief required us to select a premium grade highbay luminaire to deliver comfortable and economical lighting into a large interior workplace. Particular attention was given to the quality of lighting in the aisles formed between the vertical sides of ore cars. In-house 3D computer modelling assisted us in being able to meet and verify the exacting design requirements. Main Control Room Refurbishment: BP Kwinana, Australia - 1996 Assessment and redesign of existing lighting for screen-based tasks in the main control room at an oil refinery. The visual assessment included a detailed study of current lux levels and brightnesses within the visual field. The improvements were beyond the client's expectations. | Ore Car Repair Shop ¨C 3D model indicating luminaire locations + photo of completed lighting installation
Solar Powered Rail Crossings, BHP Billiton, Pilbara Region, Australia - 1995
Feasibility study into the practicality and costs of installing solar powered lighting and warning systems at remote rail crossings.
Haultruck Workshop, Hamersley Iron, Paraburdoo, Australia.
Design using cornice and wall-mounted floodlights to improve light levels beneath trucks and visibility of large-scale vertical work surfaces.
Western Power Corporation, Lighting in Switchyards, Perth, Australia - 1994
Design and technical specification for a standard exterior lighting scheme in high voltage switchyards to be adopted throughout the State.
Ore Car Inspection, Finucane Island, Australia.
Design of ore car inspection lighting for a continuous length of 800 metres.
In-Pit Waste Conveyor, Mt Whaleback, Newman, Australia.
Design and documentation of lighting for an in-pit crusher and conveyor system.
Fixed/Mobile Mining Plant
Advice to clients on selecting and installing lighting on vibration-prone plant with a view to reducing operating costs.