High-rise Building Facade & Retail Shopping Mall 

China Resources Centre, Zhengzhou, China: 2014 (concept design stage)

HDA, our associate office in China is currently engaged by CRC to provide a full scope of lighting design services to Phase 2 of this new development including exterior facades of the 239 metre high tower, interiors and facades of the adjoining 9-level Mix-C shopping mall and the associated landscaping. LightPlan's James Wallace is HDA's Director of Lighting Design and Team Leader for this particular project.



High-rise Building Facade


Lighting Concept: CRC
Tower rendered image of
envisaged lighting


Lighting Design Concept

TOP the four vertical panels will be perceived as a waterfall. This will be a major focal point on the skyline.
(Keywords unique; identity; differentiation).

CORNERS at the base of the waterfall the corners will be perceived to collect the water where it will cascade down the corners of the building.
(Keywords unique; identity; differentiation).

MAIN FACADES except for the œborrowed light from other areas the four main facades will have no direct lighting or effects applied so as to attract attention to the top and corner lighting treatments.
(Keywords - energy-saving; sustainable design; zero obtrusive light).

HOTEL ROOF GARDEN FRONT GLASS FACADE will be perceived as a small waterfall being in synergy with the large waterfall at the top of the tower. This 6th level rectangular protrusion from the main facade deserves to be a major focal point at a pedestrian scale.
(Keywords unique; identity; differentiation).

Retail Shopping Mall Facades

Mix-C Shoping Mall Facades rendered image of envisaged lighting treatments.

Lighting Design Concept: (Keywords - dynamic; identity; thematic)

ENTRANCE will be the main focal point of the project and entice shoppers via a bright welcoming lighting treatment.

V-TILT PANELS are reminiscent of sand at the bottom of the river (river bed) and/or at the edges of the river. These dominant shapes will be given a soft wallwash treatment also allowing the integral signage to dominate and capture attention by the traversing public. Contrasting against the dark brown panels, small point sources of light fade-up and dim-down being reminiscent of suspended sand particles falling to the river bed.

EAST SIDE TOP FACADE located above the V-Tilt Panels and supporting the CineMax logo, this patterned facade will subtly shimmer so as to capture the essence of moving water.

HORIZONTAL STRIPS located on the south-east elevation above the main entry between each floor level; will remain unlit so as to be in silhouette against the brightly lit windows.